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Most atractive game character?
1. Ada Wong-Resident Evil 4
2. Aya Brea-Parasite Eve
3. Rayne-Bloodrayne
4. Hana Tsu Vachel-Fear Effect
5. Lara Croft-Tomb Raider
6. Tyris Flare-Golden Axe
7. Jill Valentine-Resident Evil 3
8. Jennifer (Jen)-Primal
9. Samus Aran-Metroid Prime
10. Joanna Dark-Perfect Dark Zero
11. Avalon (Hellgate London)
12. Nariko-Heavenly Sword
13. Alex-Half Life 2
14. Ghost-Starcraft
15. Heather-Silent Hill 3
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Main » 2008 » October » 24 » What I would Do, if I would be Bill Geitz?!
What I would Do, if I would be Bill Geitz?!
Ko es darītu, ja es būtu Bils Geits?!

What I would Do, if I would be Bill Geitz?!
Ko Es darītu, ja Es būtu Bils Geits?!

1. Varbūt beidzot iemācītos ieslēgt datoru.
1. Maybe I finnaly learned how to switch off the  PC.
2. Tuvotos datoram tikai pilnīgi hermetizētā ietērpā, jo vīrusi, ziniet, ir ļoti lipīgi.
2. I  would go nearer to PC only in  completely sealed outfit, because viruses, you know, are very sticky.
3. Es aizsūtītu pa datoram katram savam "mīļākajam" skolotājam (kaut viņiem visiem tie vīrusi pieliptu).
3. I would send to my  favourite teachers personal computers . (Let them stick with the viruses).
4. Izdotu grāmatu "Vīrusu audzēšana un kopšana - padomi iesācējiem."
4. I release  a book "How to grow and take care of viruses-hints for beginners".
5. Nenoliktu latviešu valodas eksāmenu.
5. I wouldnt  pass the latvian language exam.
6. Pierādītu aksiomu.
6. I would prove the axiom.
7. Nodarbotos ar savas produkcijas izplatīšanu kosmosā.
7. I occupied my stuff in space.
8. Iefiltrētos Holivudā.
8. I infiltrate in Hollywood.
9. Uzņemtu filmu par savu vienreizējo dzīvi ar Džimu Keriju galvenajā (B. Geitsa) lomā.
9. I would shoot a film about my unique life with Jim Kerry in the main role (B. Geits).
10. Nosūtītu garas sarkanas rozes visiem puišiem no "Backstreet Boys", "The Boys" un "Five",
      pievienojot klāt savu mīļāko foto un peli.

10. I would send red long roses to all boys from "Backstreet Boys" , "The Boys" and "Five",

      and add my favourite photo with PC mouse.
11. Klīnikā ārstētos, tikai izmantojot pseidonīmu, piemēram, Bils Klintons,
      citādi nevarētu noslēpties no žurnālistiem.

11. I would undergo a cure in clinic, using only a nickname-for example-Bill Clinton,

      otherway I couldnt hide from the journalists.

12. Uzaicinātu Denisu Rodmenu sev par preses sekretāru.
12. I invite Deniss Rodman as a rapporteur for my self.  
13. Noteikti iepazītos ar Denisa Rodmena stilistu.
13. I definitely  would get acquainted with Denis Rodmens stylist. 
14. Pārspētu "Titānika" kases ienākumus ar filmu "Win 98: you got a virus."
14. I would overcome incomes of "Titanic" with movie "Win 98: you got a virus" 
15. Liktu visu šo izdomāt, izdrukāt un nosūtīt manam datoram.
15. I would give an order to think out all this, print and forward to my computer.

Category: Jokes | Views: 2477 | Added by: MasterOfDark
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«  October 2008  »

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